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Churt Welfare Trust

The Trust, a registered charity, operates within a scheme approved by the Charity Commissioners providing financial assistance in Churt and the local community or area. 


Examples of ways in which the Trust has helped and can consider applications for contributory or full assistance in appropriate cases are:- 

Churt Welfare Trust
  • General assistance towards the welfare of individuals or families in the local community

  • Assistance towards heating costs in winter for the elderly or frail

  • Equipment, furnishings or improvement of general comfort for the physically or mentally ill 

  • Specialist or household equipment or nursing, educational or home help facilities to assist or comfort the temporarily or terminally ill or injured

  • Respite, travel or holiday arrangements

  • Occasional taxi or transport for the elderly or long distance medical appointments

  • Facilities for educational or community welfare for all age groups

  • Local charities

  • Help at a time of financial difficulty

In addition to direct applications, we welcome information upon the needs of others, which is especially sought in order to ensure that the beneficial help that the Trust provides reaches as many in need as possible.

Applications or initial enquiries are welcomed by the Trustees and Committee:

John Brain (Chairman):                    Tel:  01428 712219     Mobile: 07836 269767 

Eileen Kilpatrick (Hon. Secretary):    Tel:  01428 712238    Mobile: 07710 306684

Committee Members:

The Rev. Richard Bodle

Maureen Trotter (Hon. Treasurer)

Sally Fraser

Sarah Bourne​

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