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Churt Volunteer Drivers

Churt Volunteer Drivers, as the name suggests, is a group of volunteers who transport Churt residents to medical appointments at doctors' surgeries, hospitals, physios, chiropodists, dentists.

The mobile phone number to call, if you require assistance to attend an appointment, is 07501 056702 and the diary is held by a small team of volunteers, each one in turn holding the phone and diary for about a month.  It is then their job to receive the requests and organise the drivers. A small donation is requested, varying on the distance of the run, but the drivers invariably pass it on to a charity of their choice.

If you would like to join our small team as a volunteer driver, please get in touch on the same phone number.

Haslemere Hospital
Grayshott Surgery, the local GP practice for a high percentage of Churt residents

Some popular destinations, Haslemere Hospital and the Grayshott Surgery GP pratice.

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